CS373 October 7th: Nathan Hoang

What did you do this past week?
I spent this week attending classes as usual. I worked on my virtualization project with my partner. I also attended some dance practices. Over the weekend I went back to my parents house in Round Rock, continued working on homework, and also spent time with some friends.
Since my leg has been bothering me I went to the doctor and got prescribed some medicine.
In my free time I also watched some TV.
What’s in your way?
I’ve been having a really difficult week because some personal problems arose last week. I also had a trip scheduled to New York for the end of this week but have had to cancel because of a scheduling conflict.
A lot of deadlines are catching up and work is piling up. I’ll need to make sure I complete my schoolwork.
What will you do next week?
Next week I will attend classes. I also have a couple tests, including the exam for Software Engineering. I hope to spend some time working on the software engineering project as well.
I may also have to go back to the doctor if my leg doesn’t get better.
I will also have to spend time rescheduling my trip to New York.
What was your experience of CATME’s peer review? (this question will vary, week to week)
I think that CATME is useful in getting feedback from your group. However, there are some flaws to the system. I personally would prefer communicating feedback in person to the entire team, and I think that submitting the anonymous feedback can change how people receive these feedbacks and act upon it. However, communicating feedback in person can lead to escalation of conflicts, so I do understand the reasoning behind using CATME for anonymous feedback.
What was your experience of peer-instruction quizzes? (this question will vary, week to week)
Personally, I really liked the new quiz style. It was fun trying to discussing the questions with my classmates. I think it was helpful to hear different lines of reasoning for why a certain answer choice was correct, and it helped me understand some python concepts a bit better.
What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
My tip of the week is to look up man pages for documentation on the various system calls. These system calls have different behaviors depending on the machine and the operating system. Looking them up and determining what they actually do can save a ton of time when implementing a system level application.