CS373 Fall 2019, Week 3: Nathan Hoang
2 min readSep 15, 2019

- What did you do this past week?
This week I finished up my symbolic project and had a couple of interviews. Since I’m close to finishing the Collatz project, I didn’t really spend time on it this week. I also got to attend the programming competition this past Friday.
For fun, I spent some time playing Super Smash Bros. with friends. - What’s in your way?
I just received an offer last Friday that expires in two weeks. I also have a few other companies I’m currently in the process with, and hopefully, some will be able to rush the interview process for me so I can consider my options by next Friday. Unfortunately, that means I will have to cram all my interviews in the next two weeks. On top of the career fair happening this week, I’ll hardly have any time to study for classes or work on school projects. I may even have to miss a few classes. - What will you do next week?
I have some parts of Collatz that I need to finish. I still have to fork the shared test repo and upload my tests. Additionally, I’m getting a few points off of Pylint which I need to correct. However, it shouldn’t take me too long to complete. I don’t have too much homework right now as the semester is still ramping up.
A lot of my tasks this week will revolve around recruiting for internships, as mentioned above. CNS Career Fair and the morning brunch will take up all day on Thursday. I have some interviews scheduled this week as well.
Outside of school, I have my first intramural soccer practices and games coming up. If I have time, I’d like to play spikeball with my friends. - What was your experience in learning about unit tests, coverage, exceptions, and types? (this question will vary, week to week)
I missed Monday’s lecture for an interview, so I didn’t get to hear about unit and coverage tests. The exceptions lecture was a great refresher since I’d forgotten some of the specifics in Python, especially about the parent-child relationship in exception classes. The types lecture was an interesting look into the implementations of different data structures in Python and their runtimes. - What’s your pick-of-the-week or tip-of-the-week?
Gitlab continuous integration is run on Gitlab by spinning up a Docker container and executing tests. If you’d like to run Gitlab locally, there’s a tool developed by Gitlab called Gitlab runner. I believe it is possible to run without Docker, but I got it working by running it alongside Docker. Running a CI pipeline locally can be useful since it will run faster, which means faster fixes to code and tests.